Sunday, February 27, 2011

Wind and snow deliver delightful close-ups

A museum of Bohemians
I'm suffering from spring fever, or cabin fever, take your pick.  So I have been waiting anxiously for the weather to warm up and it did overnight, but not as expected and certainly not for long.  The snow is still coming down, drifting and whirling violently with the gusting wind, to cover everything with a thick sheet of white.   In other words the weather turned nasty.  With the change in weather and the wind came an unexpected delivery however, right to the end of my driveway and the fulfillment of a wish.  My wish for a close up portrait of a winged nomad, in detail with all it's glorious color.

Short flight to the roof
I had originally planned to go out just for a little while but it was still too early when I woke, and I will admit I was hoping it would warm up some more.   So I got busy doing some research on the internet and, as usual, completely lost track of time.   It was the insistent and very persistent call of a Blue Jay that finally caused me to surface from the web.  I went to look outside but couldn't see anything that might have upset the bird and then quickly checked the weather again, because the wind had picked up notably.  To my disgust, the temperature had dropped by several degrees, which is when I made the decision to just stay in.

Bohemian waxwing in flight and close up
Just landing
However, as I was puttering around in my kitchen, I happen to glance outside to see small flocks of birds flitting by the window in waves.  A closer look proved that there were larger flocks flying just over the treetops on the street, which is why I changed my mind, yet again.   This, I just knew was my best opportunity to get some pictures.   It didn't take long to grab my camera, bundle up and give myself half an hour max to be out in the rapidly deteriorating weather.  I wasn't even gone ten minutes.

Bohemian Waxwing - Just a glimpse of a beautiful wing
Crowded close just above the roof
Bohemian Waxwing - A look in the eye
There are many trees planted throughout my complex, some of them quite tall.  So as soon as I stepped outside my door, I was looking up, and the first thing that greeted my sight was hundreds of Bohemian  Waxwings in the tree tops at the end of the drive, not more than twenty five feet away.  They were flying back and forth between the tree tops and the roof where they were consuming the fresh snow.

They were also pecking at something beneath the accumulated snow on the branches of the pine just above, leaving a mess of light brown husks scattered all over the sidewalk and ground under the tree.  No doubt they were getting at the tree sap on the branches, which is the only other food that they will consume besides fruit and insects, that I know of.
Bohemian Waxwing - Just a bit shy
I couldn't believe it!  For once the birds where within a reasonable range of my camera lens instead of at it's extreme limit, I wasn't standing in knee deep snow and wet, and I wasn't hunched over under a branch or bush in an attempt to get a decent shot.  That isn't to say that I wasn't having difficulties getting decent pictures.  The wind was blowing snow around after all, which meant the focus kept going in and out on the camera and the birds of course were not exactly stationary.  Nevertheless, I understood with certainty that I would get the portraits that I've wishing for and I was ecstatic.   When I finally saw the result of my brief outing on the computer screen I was elated and I just had to share them with you.  Just click on the photos to enlarge them for viewing.

For more information on Bohemian Waxwings just follow these links:



Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bohemians and Woodpeckers: a weekend adventure

Flight Silhouette-Bohemian Waxwings
I had the most wonderful weekend. Not only was the temperature outside a balmy plus five degrees, which is extraordinarily warm for the month of February, but it was mostly sunny as well.  Since then the temperature has dropped to minus 30, so I am very glad that I went out when I did.

As you may have guessed by now, I have been on a quest to get the best possible portraits of the Bohemian waxwings that have been blessing my neighborhood with their presence.  I have surprised even myself with my determination.  Who would have guessed that I would spend hours wading through knee deep snow, ducking under, through and over all manner of vegetation and obstacles to do so.
Dozens of Bohemians in the tree tops

Still, I did not get as close as I would have liked to the Bohemian Waxwings, as the little nomads seemed to prefer the tree tops as resting places.  For hours they flocked through the sky in waves, likes schools of fish in the ocean.  Nevertheless, they would return to this little wood just down the street quite regularly and while I am not the best photographer in the world, I did get some decent portraits of these amazingly lovely birds.

In flight

The photos above and the ones directly below are the best I was able to get of these waxwings so far.

Bohemian waxwing crest up
Pair of Bohemian Waxwings
I was trying to capture as much detail as possible on the coloring of this species of waxwings for comparison to that of the cedar waxwings, and in that I succeeded.  However, it seems I was to be doubly blessed on these outings.  You see, as I was patiently waiting for these birds to return from where ever it was they went to feed, I did make an effort to capture the images of nuthatches and chickadees whose song I hear frequently in this little wood.

It wasn't long before I noticed that the little nomads were not the only bird to flock to this little wood.   Another species altogether made its presence known by conspicuously flitting from tree to tree and these did not limit themselves to the tree tops.  It wasn't just their behavior that called my attention to them.  It was the fleeting glimpse of black and red, followed by the drumming of a woodpecker.  For some reason there were more than the usual number of woodpeckers present.  In fact they numbered more than a dozen and there was more than one species.  I only managed to capture the one species on camera.  However, fortunately for me this particular species was less than shy.

Downy Woodpecker male
Downy Woodpecker
As you can see I managed to get some clear shots of them and the only effort it took was to patiently stand still with the camera at the ready.  No doubt I will be going back to the little forest as soon as the weather warms up a bit, since I was so fortunate this time.  After all, who knows what other species of bird there might be sheltering, feeding or resting within.  Do you have a place where you go bird watching that is particularly fortunate for you?



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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Winged Nomads: another encounter

I simply couldn't resist.  I kept thinking about the possibilities of seeing the waxwings again and decided I simply didn't want to miss out on any opportunity I might still have.  After all the only thing I know for sure about these birds so far, is that they would be there for only as long as the food source remains.  Bohemian Waxwings really are nomadic.  They descend in flocks where ever the food is plentiful and disappear again as soon it has been consumed.
Flock of Bohemian Waxwings
The sunshine did it this time, luring me outdoors like little else can.  Unfortunately I forgot that it is usually cold when the sun shines so brightly in winter, but I didn't let that stop me, not when I was so well prepared for the outing this time.  So back to the small wood I went, because I really wanted some clearer images of these little winged nomads.
Bohemian Waxwing Sentinel?
When I arrived, the little wood was very quiet except for the songs of a Nuthatch and some Chickadees.   Nevertheless, I walked slowly around to the back side of the forest, where the path lay that would lead to it's center and for a while I heard little more than the songs of Chickadee.  My mind was so occupied with listening and looking for the waxwings, that when I did hear them, it took a while to reach through to my consciousness.  The Bohemian Waxwings had arrived, although not in quite so large a number as the last time, but they had settled at the other end of the wood.

In the tree tops

As it happens I also heard the call of an Owl nearby at the same time and so I had a small dilemma.  I really wanted to see the Owl, but I also wanted pictures of the Bohemian Waxwings.  A sudden longing for the ability to clone myself briefly flashed through my head, but since I don't have that ability, I took the chance that the owl had settled into the neighborhood.   So after only a brief mental struggle, I began walking towards the sound of the waxwings.  After all, I had heard an owl calling several times in the past few weeks and so it was not truly an unrealistic expectation that it might have staked out a territory.

The Bohemian Waxwings as it turns out didn't stay long in the area.  Something was hunting them that I couldn't see, since they suddenly took flight en-mass a couple of times, with a loud whirring of wings that sounded as if it was generated by panic.  It might even have been the Owl.  Both times they re-settled in the tree tops close to the sidewalk that runs around small part of the little forest, which was lucky for me.  No ankle deep snow for me this time, and not too much in the way to obstruct my camera.  Not to mention lots of available light.

Bohemian Waxwings close up

As you can see my photos this time are a lot better.  Amazing the difference lighting and better equipment can make.  While I didn't get very many pictures I am still quite happy.  The opportunity for more pictures left with the waxwings when they took all took off a third and final time.  By this time off course I was thoroughly frozen, although in all honesty, I didn't realize I was until the birds were gone.  Obviously I had enjoyed myself immensely on this outing despite the cold.

No doubt I will be going back again the next chance I get and hopefully they will still be hanging around.  If not, there is one other place where I can go that they might frequent.  However, this neighborhood in particular has an abundance of fruit trees and bushes, which raises my hopes for getting the best possible portrait, as these little nomads love to eat mainly fruit.



Saturday, February 5, 2011

Winged Nomads: Febuary's delight

Typically January and February are the coldest months of the year here in Alberta, however, we have had unusually warm and sunny weather recently, which made me a very happy camper indeed.  In fact, I couldn't wait to get out and go for a walk.  However, this is also the time of year, when it is dark when I leave for work and dark again when I return, and I for one do not find walking in the dark to be much fun, since there is so little to see.  Because of this, I was praying that the weather would hold until my day off.  Which it did, although I waited until late afternoon, in hopes of going out in sunshine, since that is when the sun had been coming out and sunlight makes for better photos.  However it was the insistent call of a Raven coming through my kitchen window that got me moving, not the sun's shine.
Flock of Bohemian Waxwings
I decided not to go too far on this outing because, although it was warm, the sky was overcast and I didn't want to risk getting my camera equipment wet.  So I headed for the little forest near my house and before I  got within a couple of blocks of the forest, the voices of many birds made their presence known.  I have never heard the voices of so many birds all at once, especially when the voices are so unfamiliar.  Needless to say I didn't doddle. 

When I reached the forest I was briefly distracted by the same Raven I had heard, but the bird calls were so loud, sounded of hundreds, and were so very unusual that I simply couldn't resist hurrying on.  It turns out I not only had to circle the wood, but also needed to walk into it's heart in order to witness the wonder of so many busy wings and song.   To do that I had to wade through snow that was well above my ankles in depth, duck under low branches and tree trunks, and climb over fallen logs, but it was all worth the effort.
Bohemian Waxwings in flight
It was simply amazing how many birds were in the center of this little forest, and they kept coming.  They were flying in in small flocks and large, all merging into one huge flock that alternated between coming to rest in one tree top or another, or taking off.   These birds were greeting each other in a loud chorus of high, shrill trills, but rather than being irritating, the noise these birds were generating was curiously soothing and pleasant and so I was immediately and absolutely delighted, as well as enchanted.

Naturally, since I had several sightings of Cedar Waxwings last year I have heard of Bohemian Waxwings.  In fact, I remember wishing I could see Bohemian Waxwings so that I could become visually familiar with the differences between the two bird species.  However, I had yet to see Bohemian Waxwings and didn't realize I was looking at them until I got home to take a closer look at my photos.

Bohemian Waxwing Flock perched
As it turns out, I was not as prepared for this outing as I thought, or even as I would have wished to be when I headed out.  The battery in my good camera, as well as the back up battery were both dead.  But this has happened to me before, so I am in the habit of carrying a back up camera, which unfortunately does not reach the same distance, nor produce the quality of pictures I would have liked for such an outing.  It is always preferable to get any picture over getting none however, and so, as you can see, I did get pictures and consider myself fortunate that I did.

Bohemian Waxwings
Flock of Bohemian Waxwings close

If you click to enlarge these last two photos, above, which I cropped for you, you will see several birds with their crest up.  All the waxwing species have a crest.  Bohemian Waxwings are gray in color however, not the cinnamon brown of the Cedar Waxwing.  This combined with the overcast winter sky behind them unfortunately doesn't allow for a very good view of the bird itself but I didn't get a chance to get closer in order to get better shots.

Merlin rolling into stoop
 My wondrous encounter with this bird species came to an abrupt end when a Merlin suddenly swooped in amongst them.  Naturally they did what most sensible creatures would do, and scattered for parts unknown, leaving me with the sincere hope that I will get another chance to photograph these birds again before long.



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